Mesa 6
Windowing and rights: a big deal
09 de outubro | quarta-feira | 15h
Espaço Itaú de Cinema Augusta | Sala 4
Rodrigo Teixeira – Fundador e presidente – RT Features [Brasil]
Sandino Saravia – Produtor – CINEVINAY [Uruguai/México]
Stacy Glassgold – International Sales & Acquisitions Consultant – Blue Fox Entertainment [EUA]
Juliana Jacobsen – Head of Acquisitions/COO – BF Distribution [Chile]
A dinâmica de consumo no mundo multitelas, deslocada do espaço físico, cria a necessidade de repensar modelos tradicionais de financiamento e comercialização. As fronteiras entre as janelas de distribuição já não são tão definidas e a relevância do conteúdo ganha protagonismo na negociação.
Quais as tendências e oportunidades que esta nova ordem apresenta? Como obter retorno de investimento garantindo alcance de público? Uma conversa entre produtores, distribuidores e agentes de vendas que atuam a nível global e suas visões e experiências desse cenário.
The dynamics of consumption in a multi-screen universe, detached from the physical space, creates the need to rethink traditional financing and commercialization models. The borders between distribution channels are not as defined and content relevance gains prominence in the negotiation.
What are the trends and opportunities presented by this new order? How to gain investment returns while ensuring audience reach? A conversation among producers, distributors and sales agents with worldwide experience and their views of this scenario.
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He is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in the United States and founder of RT Features, a São Paulo-based film production company with an office in New York. He was involved in the production of feature films such as O Cheiro do ralo (2006), Frances Ha (2013), The Witch (2016) and Call me by your name (2017). He produced Karim Aïnouz's A Vida invisível de Eurídice Gusmão, screened at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival and winner of the Un Certain Regard award. He also produced The Lighthouse, with Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson, released in 2019 and screened at the Director's Fortnight and winner of FIPRESCI - International Critics Award. His latest releases are the science fiction Ad Astra, starring Brad Pitt and directed by James Gray, and Olivier Assayas's Wasp network. Both were selected for the Venice Film Festival.

He works as film producer in Mexico and Uruguay. He produced the feature films: El Baño del Papa, by Enrique Fernández and César Charlone; Un Monstruo de mil cabezas, by Rodrigo Plá; Boi neon, by Gabriel Mascaro; Pájaros de verano, by Cristina Gallego and Ciro Guerra; Roma, by Alfonso Cuarón; and Divino amor, by Gabriel Mascaro, among others. He is currently a partner-producer at CINEVINAY (Mexico) and Malbicho Cine (Uruguay).

Stacy Glassgold is a film executive and producer specializing in international sales and distribution. She currently handles international sales and acquisitions at Blue Fox Entertainment and most recently served as VP International Sales at XYZ Films and Myriad Pictures. She has worked on films such as Fernando Grostein Andrade’s Abe, The Queen of Spain, The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby, The Last word, and Cannes 2018 titles Mandy and Arctic. Stacy is also producing a feature length documentary film about the influential Los Angeles public radio station, KCRW. Previously, Stacy worked in development and production at State Street Pictures as Creative Executive for director George Tillman Jr. She developed numerous film projects and served as Associate Producer on Tillman’s 2013 Sundance pic The Inevitable defeat of Mister & Pete.